Mason Science Outreach
and Special Programs

Science starts at George Mason. We offer a variety of unique opportunities to help support the future of science with a special focus on underrepresented voices. Get involved today.

Support Our Programs

Learn more about Mason Science outreach and special programs.


The George Mason University Observatory is a community resource as well as an aid to Mason students in the learning of astronomy.

Females of Color Underrepresented
in the Sciences (FOCUS)

Females of Color Underrepresented in the Sciences (FOCUS) provides hands-on stem workshops, leadership training, and college preparation for middle and high school girls.

Aspiring Scientists Summer
Internship Program (ASSIP)

The George Mason University Aspiring Scientists Summer Internship Program was established in 2007 by Dr. Lance Liotta, Dr. Emanuel Petricoin III, and Dr. Virginia Espina to give university undergraduates (from any university) and high school students 16 and older, who have an interest in STEM, access to real-world, hands-on research.

Quantum Science
and Engineering Center (QSEC)

The Global STEM Scholars Program provides a 4 to 5-day rigorous and immersive STEM experience for cohorts of secondary students from developing nations.

International Student Emergency Assistance Fund

Many of our College of Science friends have expressed concern for our Ukrainian / International students who are at risk due to the challenges, emergencies, or sudden financial hardships due to the ongoing crisis in Ukraine. The ongoing commitment and generosity of our Mason Science family is inspiring and thanks to a small group of generous donors, we have established a COS International Student Emergency Assistance Fund. Donations to this fund – dedicated to Mason Science students – can be made here. Thank you for your concern and support for these students during this time of crisis.

Bridge Camp

Before classes start in August, this week-long residential camp welcomes incoming students with lab experiences, exam preparation, and lectures by Mason faculty. Students attend advising and career sessions, while working and living with other Mason STEM accepted freshmen. The Boot Camp has two available tracks: biology/chemistry and math/physical sciences/engineering.

Make a Donation

Show your support and help the Mason College of Science continue to make a difference in the real world.


We offer a variety of ways to give to the George Mason University, College of Science. Contact our team to learn more about how you can make a real difference.

Audrey Kelaher
Senior Director of Development
George Mason University — College of Science | 703.993.3436