Environment, Climate,
and Conservation Sciences

Environment, Climate, and Conservations Sciences are growing academic and professional forces spanning the domains of the natural and social sciences. The Mason College of Science is focused on understanding and implementing science and policy to address and solve complex environmental issues that challenge the integrity and sustainability of global systems. Find out how you can get involved.

Support Our Initiatives

Support Environment, Climate, and Conservation Sciences with a donation to a featured campaign below:

Shukla Fellowship

Dr. Jagadish Shukla was the founding chair of the Department of Atmospheric, Oceanic, and Earth Sciences (AOES). Your donation will support outstanding students pursuing a Ph.D. in Climate Dynamics, who will become tomorrow’s top scientists focused on understanding the impact of climate dynamics.

Don Kelso Learning
Pier Campaign

Dr. Donald Kelso was Mason’s first marine & freshwater ecologist, joining in 1970 what is now the Department of Environmental Science and Policy. Your donation will help build an extended pier for teaching and research, and contribute to the health of the Potomac River, while also honoring one of Mason’s most revered professors.

Department of Environmental
Science and Policy

Environmental Science and Policy students who are trained in environmental policy, conservation sciences, climate change, aquatic ecology, wildlife management or health, go on to professional careers in government agencies, non-profit organizations and the private sector.

Department of Atmospheric,
Oceanic, and Earth Sciences

From simulating atmospheric temperature to explaining geological layers to tracing ocean circulation, the Atmospheric Science, Climate, and Earth Science Department (AOES) gives students new tools to explore our planet. You will benefit from the wide range of faculty expertise across undergraduate and graduate programs in AOES.


We offer a variety of ways to give to the GMU College of Science. Contact our team to learn more about how you can make a real difference.

Audrey Kelaher
Director of Development
George Mason University — College of Science
akelahe@gmu.edu | 703.993.3436